

Mapping plant life to help save species at risk for our future

フォロー数:966 フォロワー数:3139

5 publications from State of the worlds plants and fungi 2020, involving the spatial team at Kew. were we join the 210 scientists, from 42 countries
1. Extinction risk and threats to plants and fungi

3 7

Green Plants in the Red: A Baseline Global Assessment for Plants - out at last

58 25

Hand-picked, fully organic, freshly harvested Wembera coffee cherry.

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Harvest time in Wembera

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Merry Christmas to you all and we hope you have an excellent new year. Stunning painting by Masumi Yamanaka.

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Hostile hospitality of the camel drivers! Learned our lesson last time. No obvious photos!

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In to the coffee region we go. Long drive to Bahir Dar, and car only broken down once. So good so far.

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