


- Animator, Illustrator, Video Editor, Vocalist
- Visual Development Artist at Brazen Animation

フォロー数:90 フォロワー数:1219

I love the early chapters of YGO so much. Every now and again I'll rewatch 's video on it ( and just marvel at what the story could've been.

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ナカさん、これが起こったのは残念です。 BALAN WONDERWORLDを初めて見たとき、私たちはあなたがソニックとNiGHTSに入れた心を見ました。
今回は沈黙することなく、ゲームを続けることができることを願っています。 おそらくいつか私はあなたがそうするとき、あなたと一緒に働くことができるでしょう。

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Naka-san, it's a shame that this happened. When we first saw Balan Wonderworld we saw the heart you put into Sonic and NiGHTS.

I hope you are able to continue making games, this time without being silenced. Perhaps one day I will be able to work with you when you do.

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Time to start posting art here again. Security Breach was wholesome.

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