🌻🖤 Khandri 💚🌻さんのプロフィール画像

🌻🖤 Khandri 💚🌻さんのイラストまとめ

Tired fandom elder (PR, Gundam, YST). Buried in cats. Crafty. Trying to be my most authentic self. | Shop: @PhoenixfyreC | 44, she/her, bi, #ActuallyAutistic

フォロー数:551 フォロワー数:205

Samurai Troopers is one of my all-time favorite anime, but I'm so over the dub now.

...Oh wait, you said Power Rangers Samurai. Eh, same difference. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://t.co/ppmU1PQXl0

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I don't know how it is that I can be sitting at my main computer for hours next to a north-facing window and be just fine, but today I've been at my laptop all afternoon and evening, nowhere near the window, and I've been freezing my bits off. 🥶

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What four anime defined your teen years?

(The fourth is late teens, but this meme still really dates me...) https://t.co/pC1kK7K3dt

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LRT is what happens when your mecha show about pretty boys is directed by the same person who once directed a show about pretty boys in armor (although there are wackier illustrations than this--I just don't have them):

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...Okay, only the first one is from my childhood while the rest come from my teenage years, but they were still what I aspired to, dammit. https://t.co/1MMLhB4TDU

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...Welp, I've finally gotten to the point in "Safer at Home" where I couldn't remember what day it was, even though I have a clock right here on my desk that says it's Tuesday.

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ANN was promoting a new (free and legal!) retro anime streaming service, so I went to take a look at the site and...well!

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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, but with a more coherent plot and the character development actually in the show instead of relegated to books and drama CDs/cassettes. (Also, it's the 30th anniversary this year and deserves a revival.)

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