

Hello! Welcome! I do various little things here and there.
On a little bit of an art hiatus.

Email: [email protected] (business only)

フォロー数:806 フォロワー数:1089

Still a rough WIP but I decided to change Opal's pose because I thought this was cuter for Opal rather than just standing so I tediously adjusted the leg and added arms~

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New icon for this month~

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The other foot is finished!! Im ready for tomorrow!

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I fixed the foot! Well one foot so far. It makes it waaay easier to walk around now. I left the claws loose for fun~

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I noticed the feet to my godzilla costume are getting worn and I kept tripping over them since they're just big flaps that drape over your feet so I decided to re-use some big o'l paw slippers i have and sew the Zilla feets to the slippers to help fix the problem.

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My hand is starting to swell

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My hand became a chew toy for two angry cats today

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