

31 ~
Attempts to draw 🫠
Love learning new languages ❣️
Love Dragon Age, BG3, Vampyr, The Evil Within, Resident Evil & Final Fantasy 💕

フォロー数:704 フォロワー数:314

-last song you listened to
-38th pic in your camera roll
My lockscreen is by @/ShiroiShi888 (I love their artwork 🥺)
I don't really tag people so anyone that wants to do it 😅

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Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Here are some little pics I drew a while ago ❣️

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I'm still learning to draw, been teaching myself for nearly a year now and I am quite slack on practicing, but I love attempting to do fanart of Dragon Age and some times Final Fantasy.
Thanks for the artshare 😊

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I'm certain Alistair has this in the Denerim castle basement or at least somewhere close by.

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All my screenshots and pics of him are on my computer, so here is just two pieces 😁

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Two little artworks my daughter did today. She loves being able to blend the colours through each other.

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I would love one of my OC Mila 🙂
Thanks for doing this giveaway 😄

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Did my own version of this tarot card, not great, but I did it very rough and did it with no outline, just blobbed colour around the place. I wanted it somewhat as a Cullen version if he was to stay on lyrium (can never bring myself to keep him on it though aha).

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Without saying your age post four games that came out when you were fourteen.

I chose games that I actually like from that year 🙂, now hopefully I have done my maths correctly and got the right year for when I was fourteen... Just a tad bit tired at the moment aha.

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Did a quick Christmas drawing for my profile pic 😄
Need to remember to do thinner lines, but I keep forgetting aha

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