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フォロー数:102 フォロワー数:4464

Coloured it in, and added the belt back in. Kept the star design, to keep the trend between the koopalings!

This was quite refreshing, I kept some of the messy lines in because it added some personality to the outline!

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I reminded myself why I don't watch KFP2, because every scene in the middle of the movie just emotionally destroys me.

That being said, it was fun to doodle Po! Kyahahaha!

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Doodlin' my favourite mechanic.

Was aiming for unity in the colour scheme, been learning that the farther spread your colours are from yellow the better you oranges and greens will look.

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Short guy incoming! Tried some different techniques for doodling the body and connecting the torso to the legs.

I also mixed in some warm and cold colours, to see how well they mix... Definitely interesting composition-wise!

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Getting back into the grooooove! I decided to do my body studies again, and I thought I'd turn around my thinking on how I do faces. I like the way this rat guy came out!

Also enjoyed the colours, nothing too flashy, but nice and easy on the eyes to look at!

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I S-ranked Leon's campaign, here's a kid as a palette cleanser! I learned that the best way to utilize yellow is just to utilize gold. Again.
Never use yellow, it'll look like poop.

He's gonna make some mashed potatoes!

Flavour text on the apron: "Yes, I'M the Chef!"

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Needed something cute to draw and colour in to purge myself of all this RE2 I've been playing.

It was sooooooooooooooooooooooo good, can't wait to get murdered by Mr. X on Hardcore.

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I like to think that his best friend came back in a busted up Arwing and Slippy's like, "What the...?"

My 'cooldown' for the evening! Featuring more green, because that's a colour that needs love!

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My morning before work Throwing colours together, the study continues in the land of cell-shading, kyahaha!

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Aiming for middle ground, a bridge between what I've learned, and what I did. I think it's wonderful to learn using the stronger colours, gives you a good impression where the 'natural' colours are on the wheel!

Got inspiration from Dusk, since he preferred the default style!

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