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Oh heck, uh hi! I'm Jelly and I'm very inconsistent with art :')

Check out these people!:

3 9

Either of them would be fineeeeeeeee

0 2

Aaaa so uh, yEah-
My art is VERY inconsistent but I still kinda like it, I hope you like it too :')

2 9

Hi I'm Jelly and I draw sometimes! My art style is very inconsistent but I hope you still like it :')

Gonna tag some artist friends:

2 8

Ayways, look at smol Dawg

Art by

1 10

Thanks for this chance! qwp
Well uh, I'm Jelly and I make art sometimes- you guys should check out and ! They all make nice art qwp

Anyways here's my art :'D

4 13