

26/He/Bi A friend to all. Fan of a lot of things, really. I lost track. Loves @Tyattack4545 with all his heart. Private: @ZetsubouRanger

フォロー数:1302 フォロワー数:1741

Someone made an edit of Chihiro as Ado/Adeline from Kirby

I love this

8 23

Ibuki if she were into death metal

3 6

Three characters is cheating, but I don't care

1 2

God is a woman, and I love her

2 14

Izzy: "Well that doesn't help!"

2 7

(Chapter 5 Spoilers)

Kokichi: Shoot me, you won't

1 1

Sweet dreams, everyone!

"Ibuki wishes you all a cute-filled night!"

1 3