

The link for helping Myanmar, is in my bio. #SaveMyanmar

Hello, I'm kiki. The art community here is so amazing, I wish to join in as well. 🌼 (语: 华|英)

フォロー数:75 フォロワー数:483

This is a very minty and squeaky clean shampoo. Great to use during the hot weather ! Check out my profile for link!

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"From this day on, you are liberated."

Leia when she picked up lucas.

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what is sincerity
is it loyalty
is it complete devotion
whatever it is. I leave it up to u

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Dont let the strings of fate hold you down

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Be free, be yourself, be selfish

the bouquet of flowers actually symbolizes ur peers and loved ones

the strings symbolizes the string of fate.

holding the scissors, she gleefully walked on with her friends knowing that she can cut the path anytime to remain her pride.

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