

follow req OK i’m locked to avoid b0ts | main art: @ShiroHunter I'm just more unhinged here | Shiro | she/her | 20+ | sometimes 🔞 | FFXIV: R’gel Sylva (Odin)

フォロー数:1029 フォロワー数:2185

I hope you don't mind I made a cougar ver of this bc I jus think he would look... extra fluffy...

5 64

He!!! Deserves!!! Some mimimi honk shoo!!!!!

12 90

This is p fun to do so mayhaps does any mutuals want ur wol drawn in this pose,,,, no promises but drop sum refs and I might draw some when I have time😳

8 171

R'gel: dad i have a question

Nunh: what

R'gel: how do we, as a tribe, figure out when we start getting white hair

Nunh: hm

14 123

I found some surprisingly tender (?) old emetazem doodles

45 301

sometimes i think again. about him (deranged ascian hyth)

583 1959

When ur boyfriend loses control to the bahamut aether but you have extremely good tastes

124 800



Honestly yukio walked so orion could run

3 31