Kim Would be A lot Cooler if She Did 🤓さんのプロフィール画像

Kim Would be A lot Cooler if She Did 🤓さんのイラストまとめ

Rules Candy Land with an iron fist.

Half-minotaur/half-mermaid, but I got the human halves from both.

Easily distracted by cows.

No one out pizzas my hut.

フォロー数:20 フォロワー数:2411

I'm pitching on the 2nd! Would love to trade love! Adding you to my list now.

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Hi other writers! I hope you’re having a great day. It’s not easy being a creative person. We go through so many periods of silence and waiting. The dark places don’t mean you’re buried; they mean you’ve been planted. And if you keep growing, you’ll become something beautiful.

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Awesome! I'd love a RT. Let's rock this boat together.

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I'm so excited to see all these book links! I don't have anything to share yet, but I'm working hard on familiarizing myself with other stories for Indie April. A big thank you to those who posted their work! Y'all are so brave to share your books with us! I can't wait to dig in.

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