

Eng / 中文 (a little) | Artist | K/J-pop, Pokemon, Val | How do I get back to art :,)

フォロー数:26 フォロワー数:18

Happy Chinese New Year! Tu Nian Kuai Le lol. (I'm too lazy to type chinese cause they changed the keyboard setting)

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I'm 15 now beloveds! (I'm so unprepared for whatever coming next)🥰

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It's December my beloveds! 2 more days till I turn old!

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Also have some art. Christmas one is coming soon:)

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It's Autism Awareness day! The theme coour is blue🟦 #

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Fanart for @/meloneflavor 's oc! Honestly I'm stressing about Chinese oral rn I'm just gonna cry

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新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year!:)

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I'll never shut up with how proud I am with this

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