

today is a weird day


フォロー数:4057 フォロワー数:374

I always thought the JP 3D blast artwork was so weird looking, in some ways he looks almost lumpy and flaccid, I like the curved lines here in the ears and the curve of the quills but his geometry is odd in some ways

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Sure, my work is mostly inspired by robert valley and Hannah Barbara

I also draw lots of sonic stuff

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The biggest fuck up for me has to be the eyes and muzzle thing

There are other issues but this one urks me the most

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I have a weirdly oddly specific idea for the sonic band playing as one character comprised of all the members who’s light, medium, and heavy attacks are handled by a different member of the band

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A sonic the hedgehog fighting game would be appreciated, outside of the obvious picks, here are some obscure characters that would be cool if they got some rep
(Note that the band would probably play as four in one unit with their attacks taking advantage of different characters)

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Also the other sonic might be based off of this, that’s what it seems but I’m not in your head

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Reposting images that might have a vague connection to

I’m also just proud of these pieces in general and wanna get some eyes on em

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Can we take a moment to appreciate Robert Valley as the best thing ever?

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I think it’d be really cool if Mach, max, and sharp acted as one character slot where their moveset relied on team up moves and each character covering either the light, medium, or heavy attacks

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