

Kira | Female | 24 | Bisexual panromantic | INFJ | Aries

Just a meme obsessed artist, animator, writer, y2k enthusiast, and selfshipper


フォロー数:432 フォロワー数:173

Hortlak, Kokoa, Axel to an extent, and even if Andreas is no chonker, I'll still count him cuz big muscles count as plus size :)

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Prince Antoine, Clarice, Hubert, Bernard... (cont.)

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And imma win cuz this boi is mega ticklish >:3c

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Charles's scars on his cheek come from his ex-boyfriend/roommate who takes him in
Lupus's scar on his right eye came from an accident in sword training
Annie's scars under her bandage came from a fight with a predator in the woods
Hortlak's scar origin is currently undecided

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Hello, art block be a major hoe again so I draw the Bone cousins some human designs :)

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Name four fictional characters you are obsessed with and tag other mutuals to do the same.

Anyone who sees this is free to do this, me no taggies hehe :)

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Valence was an immigrant from the ocean world Maritime, and ex-jester of the Animalia Kingdom on land until he was banished back to his homeland by Queen Ebony solely because he was an immigrant

Since then he seeks revenge on the prejudiced queen

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Antoine is the prince of the Vlatemn Woodlands and an arch-rival of Princess Maya of the Kol Jungles
Both lands have been going at each other for years and are always at war

His violent and pompous behavior stems from his parents who add fuel to the fire by pampering him a lot

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An entry to and 's shipping fanart contest!

I love these two together so much! 🥺💕
The world needs more villain couples like Maverick and Veronica, their chemistry is just so wholesome! <33

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Beri is the only pink character I got, but Clarice is the only one who primarily wears pink, with Miriel wearing a pinkish-purple outfit

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