

Just some nerd who likes Splatoon, Kirby, and cartoons for some reason. I also draw stuff I think. Private account: @Kirbnation2 //PFP by @GiantDog4

フォロー数:460 フォロワー数:1897

I made so many bangers in this week alone wtf-

Once again, do the follow thing, I make art and other neat stuff :)

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I actually had a similar idea in my story, where instead of claws, he used the remains of Octarian tentacles to move around and grab stuff :p
Your idea is also really cool tho, and I love the art^^

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(20 Days) Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Smash Bros I guess? Splatoon doesn’t really crossover with too many franchises, and this is obviously the most ambitious one, so sure :3

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My Agent 8, Crystal, recently got sanitized along with my Agent 4, Amy
Long story short, Amy was trying to save Crystal after she got kidnapped by a reformed Tartar, and they both ended up sanitized while trying to stop him
But don’t worry, it doesn’t affect them all that much

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(21 Days)
I don't really have a favorite Splatfest tbh. Most of them just kinda blend in to me
So uh, Chaos vs Order was pretty insane when that was happening
If only I played the game more during that time :/

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I like to imagine that, while Amy, Crystal, and Freddy are kinda meh on Deep Cut
Violet is secretly a huge fan of them, especially Shiver

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So last night, I finally got to watch the first two episodes of Hamster and Gretel on Youtube
My thoughts?
Meh, it's alright. Better than I expected, but nothing too special if I'm being honest
It just might not be my type of show tbh

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Ok hear me out
What if Marie and Shiver are rivals in the story mode?
I can just imagine their personalities clashing with each other, and overall the course of the game, they constantly bicker and argue, and just don’t get along
Idk, I think it would be a fun idea lol

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Ok I know this is super late, and I’m really sorry, I’ve been so busy with school and such😭
But still, happy birthday ^^

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