

Doing that acting thing • Motivating myself when no one is • None of my irl friends will ever know this weeb account exists • Yonagi/Jolyne Stan • 🇨🇴/ 🇵🇪

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Bro did they seriously just reference My Kingdom in WDYTMF? You love to see the crossovers in Adul Manwha

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Spoiled on Kaguya? Hate to see it.

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Suddenly really glad I never RT’d or even commented about the fake announcement.

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Solid series tbh but comparing MHA to it ain’t fair bruh

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Man I was really hoping for some evil Morty or Tammy development this szn. This season has just been them fucking around, and low key I’m here for it. Best szn so far

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Yo my favorite first year threw shots at my favorite character. I'm feeling conflicted

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My Plans: 2020:

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Can’t man, I waited like four years. I can wait a few more months

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