

29, He/They.
Digimon obsessed.
Twitch Affiliate.
Apex Loba main.
Crash & Spyro fan.
Icon: @wintersleptart, Banner: @NYChannelrs

フォロー数:691 フォロワー数:1085

Say 11: Fave with Water Attribute
Going based off what Digimon haver a water attribute in Cyber Sleuth, I'm gonna have to go for MetalGarurumon!

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Day 10: Fave X-Antibody Digimon
I'll be honest I don't follow the X-Antibody Digimon much but I really do love the design of Renamon X.

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RS3 updates be like

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Day 6: Fave Mega Digimon
Gotta love the dragon emperor Examon!

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Day 5: Fave Ultimate Digimon
I really like Angewomon, I'm not a simp I swear.

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Day 4: Fave Champion Digimon
Okay, Who saw this one coming? Who expected this answer?

Meicoomon ofcourse!

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Day 3: Fave rookie Digimon
I just love this little puppy baby Gabumon, I dunno what else to say

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Day 2: Fave In-training Digimon
I really love Calumon, Adorable baby 10/10 would recommend Tamers just for them.

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Day 1: Fave Baby Digimon
I'm not huge on the baby stage Digimon but Jyarimon is pretty cool

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Favorite Digimon and Favorite Pokemon, I dunno the similarities between these two lol

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