

Moe online anime persona or something? You probably own an item I've designed. Still watching too much anime. And you guys are all hentai-watching hentai bakas!

フォロー数:458 フォロワー数:43416

oreimo is peak anime

2 3

If shinzo abe really wanted to fix declining birth rates, he'd ban anime because all of these bland MCs that appeal to the widest possible audience will be the death of mankind.

3 112

Can't do my groceries today either and i can't even get my amazon packages since they're also my pick-up point. why even live

1 94

Lmao I couldn't do my groceries today because the supermarket chain got its payment systems hacked. 2021 is amazing

14 329

At this point, probably an alt to fund my foldables

0 1

People have asked me if I drew certain images that I actually drew, but I've never answered anything and I never will

The only "linkable" stuff is a bunch of on-paper drawings that have been personal gifts to degenerates i know irl

0 19

welcome to capitalism my friend

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