

Kiro | 周棋洛 | キラ | 주기락
{No Minor}
❂Status : Your Superstar♫ Mr.Age22
❂Evol : Absolute Charm
❂Fan RP
My Good boy @SHAWLOVES69

フォロー数:44 フォロワー数:242

Countless screams in my heart, at this moment..Dream comes true.

12 56

Hundred Days Together

Day 16: Come to my house after work today! I wrote a new song and I want you to be my first listener!

8 40

For delicious things, leave the first bite to the person you like the most.

You know what I mean, don't you ?

16 48

I will straddle all the brilliance and attention,

..Write a clash of fate.

14 44

Hi! Miss Chips
Are you looking for me? *Chuckles*
I'm here. Let's go on a trip !!

11 55

I know it sounds cheesy. But...

*Whispers and kisses on her cheek*
You are the center of my world.

11 51

You want them?

My body and soul.
All is yours.

16 63

The courage that inspires me to move forward comes from your palm.

14 54

B- Be careful !!

10 53

Good morning, Miss Chips
Did you have good dream last night?

Keep your chin up and have a wonderful day !

10 36