

Rainy thoughts.

フォロー数:560 フォロワー数:616

Bro I haven’t even gotten myself to start up House in fata because I don’t want to emotionally screw myself LOL I’m not ready

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One Piece Pirate Warriors 3


This game is actually more of a 7 for me as I enjoy Dynasty warrior games a lot. Issue? the PC port is horrendous.

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Really hope they don’t screw this anime up.

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While overall enjoyable the characters fell flat for me which are a huge part of this story. Still a pretty good watch and I am excited for the 2nd part!

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Cold Fear


Is more of a 7 for me but with clunky controller support on PC , Some annoying segments and terrible camera work I will known it down a point. Overall this is an overlooked RE4 style horror game that to its core is a good experience ! I recommend it!

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