

Canadian comic creator, Optimistic Cynic (she/they/33)
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Janet might be a bit more passive towards Billy's cowardice if she wasn't used to a more active defender...

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Janet gets ridiculed while with Billy, and he'd just rather not involve himself in it

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Mixing and matching a little bit here. I'm a huge fan of the Thrawn trilogy (ooo, big surprise, the Star Wars EU dork likes Thrawn), but mostly because he and Pellaeon have such a great Holmes/Watson thing going. And I LOVE me some Sherlock Holmes.

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Dating Lisa isn't exactly what Satoshi wanted. Let this be a warning about rebound relationships, take it from a pro.

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Was feeling like doing some fanart related to all the bloody books I read, and an old favourite of mine is definitely The Lord of the Rings. This is essentially what I pictured in my head as I read of Frodo, Sam and Smeagol, though the films of course colour it a little.

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A gag comic I've had rattling around in my head for a while. Yeah, from family death and trauma to a gag with a Garfield joke in it, I wonder why people can never follow my tone.

Obviously not actually part of the story.

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And here we get to the heart of Janet's mom's deal. She lost her husband, and became completely insecure over her and her daughter's futures.

Hopefully not too much of a downer, since this is the first main cast member to have lost a close family member.

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Just dropping another Janet doodle ahead of tomorrow's comic.

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Janet got a man! But... is that exactly what she wanted?

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Janet got her own beach trip with Billy, but I'm not sure he's ready for her... she seems to be enjoying it though.

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