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@SparksEchidna I'm curious, what do you think are the worst Dragon Ball movies?
For me honestly it's these 3
Today I am curious. Based on your OC's musical tastes, what is your OC's favorite music album?
In Desteya's case, her favorite music album is Ultimate Santana 🔥🤘🦇
Art by /SparksEchidna
Today is this little awoo's birthday. 4 years already of Whisper. 4 years of becoming one of my favorite characters ❤️🎉
@hikariviny Siniestro y posiblemente mi principal sera un Hydreigon o tal vez un Noivern
2007: Assassin´s Creed
The beginning of a saga that I followed religiously until AC Rogue. This game really has a lot of value for me, especially because I played it when I was trying to get over the death of a friend. Enjoy its history, and the innovative mechanics at that time
2015: Dragon Ball Xenoverse
I think this game was one of my favorites of 2015 because it was practically the playground of every dragon ball fan. A game that worked like a fanfic where you created your character to intervene in moments of the franchise that every fan loves.
2017 Sonic Mania
What can I say, I just loved this game. A love letter to classic sonic that simply any Sonic fan should play.
His music to date is incredible to me, so much so that I have some songs on my personal playlist, an example the Studiopolis theme
2018 Iconoclasts
I am a lover of metroidvania games and this game was one of the most pleasant surprises I had. It is an ingenious game, with good mechanics and a story that manages to catch you. It's a journey worth playing.
I just saw the new Helluva Boss episode and I'll just say...this is the most boring episode of the series I've ever seen.
The shipping of Stolas and Blitzo doesn't bother me, but in 25 minutes absolutely nothing happens.