

Anime and Manga Artist | Gamer | Author of the manga Cherri Snow |…

フォロー数:705 フォロワー数:627

One last piece before my break, Her name is Asuka. I think thats an actual name but I thought of a weeby way to say the spanish word for sugar which is "azucar" hence asuka because she's too sweet.

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To all the Schmucks who like Horror Games, something spooky is coming to The Anime Bundle.

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So I made a new character in Monster Hunter Rise and Nioh 2 so I drew her and now I'm obsessed with her design. You may ir may not see more of her ... if i can get my bloody set up done!

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Here we have what could've been. I tried to redraw the box art for My Hero Academia but i threw in the towel, as well as future redraws ... i get a really gross feeling when making.

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I got bored so here's me throwing carrots at Plum wearing a bunny suit.

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It's been an ultra busy 2 days at work but I survived, now to take my 4 day weekend. Btw, no biggie but from all the fatigue and stress my left eye is now busted. It should heal in the morning but it's weird that it happened.

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Behold, the results. Original(right) mine(left) already I'm noticing what I'm doing wrong. First off my line thickness is too thin especially on the face area, color saturation can be brought down a little. And lastly my style lacks...angle? Mine looks flat.

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Not really sure why I did this, but I'm wirdly glad I did ... maybe I should go back to making me and Plum sketchs.

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You know what, i Dunno what i was expecting. I could not figure out how to make bland b hair into more voluminous 90s hair so i made it the way i know how. There are also slight edits to the clothing to make it both more manageable and somewhat more baggy

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