

I'm not a developer of any kind.. I just.......I just really like showcases from ROBLOX

Also I draw I guess ('^-^)a

フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:14


fanart for sorry, I couldn't help but draw him ^^' He's too cool. Keep doing what you do!! /_( o0o)/

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They call me ranch because I be dressing!

11 hours until the starting at 12 p.m. March 21st. Can't wait for it Eeeee!!

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Here's what I thought about it, I really loved it. I can see why it won the award. It's also now my favorite until further notice, it's going to take a lot to dethrone this masterpiece. Even though the theme being steampunk, the feeling of the place was very relaxing.

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There was also a blimb right behind the spawn. A lot of people surrounded too, sorry if they were blocking the view.

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Ah yes, the bloxy awards. Like I said earlier, this showcase won the 2018 award. I'm not surprised though, haha!

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The exterior is very pretty, also the tint of the surrounding is very good as well.

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Apartment 23 is a showcase made by SetDefault1, a well-known developer. This showcase goes by the theme of steampunk. It won the 2018 Bloxy Award for Favorite showcase. I'm expecting good coming from this.

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The mess room is marvelous, so is the kitchen back there. Too bad I don't have friends to share with.

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Runnerup is Les Quatres Jardins. Oh, it's french, translates to "The Four Gardens". The preview screenshots are so good. What I'm guessing from the preview is that it's modern themed.

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