Kitty Mewesさんのプロフィール画像

Kitty Mewesさんのイラストまとめ

I'm just here to draw butts and scream into the void. Queer/ genderqueer disabled artist and certified internet old (30+). They/ She

フォロー数:764 フォロワー数:992





I am trying to work on making the composition of my "put my favourite guy in an outfit" drawings a little more dynamic and I think this was an excellent start!

(You can blame for the brainworm of Ed in this red silk Timothy Chalamet fit 😉)

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Before KISS DAY ends- let's flashback to my rendition of it:
(I'm still so insanely proud of the rendering on this one- particularly Ed's hair.)

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As always twitter has potatoed my Babygirl... So enjoy some close ups!

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I was already late to this trend...
And then I got insanely sick and couldn't draw for days BUUUUUUT here's my Ed as Lady Gaga drawing anyways! Better supremely late than never I suppose. 🙃✨

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I have NO CLUE- probably my original "sweater Ed"? I think it's the post that has done the best numbers wise at least.

But y'all tell me!

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Close-ups on some details that got potatoed.

I really tried to keep this one simple for speed- but still had fun playing with some stuff.

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Some close-up so you can see more of the leel details that twitter pancaked!-

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