

No one of consequence. Brave compared to some. Fat Liberationist. contact: [email protected] (he/they)

フォロー数:628 フォロワー数:16324

African violets

1 31

Another type of anthurium

1 26

Learning pixel art by making plant tiles, here is an attempt at an anthurium and a calathea orbifolia

6 170

My stormcloud when you first meet them and they don't have their lightning vs after they get their lightning

12 83

My new character, a stormcloud

6 46

While I really like this before I added the details, I also really like this completed version, I didn't use any filters or anything, just the pen tool in sai

2 30

excellent cards for the card packs

17 41

get these cards or others, or get random assortments

35 75

my shop just reopened with the last of my old stock and some of my new stock and every sale helps me a lot

63 79