

Translator&Shipper. IceMav, Q007, ColdFlash&Thilbo. Fandom trash who has no regret. 30↑. I go by Max/Maxy/暗子/Kurako, 中文&Eng. 左右固定Fixed preference. Top!Ice only.

フォロー数:196 フォロワー数:176

fuzzy and lost barry is so cute.....

3 12

Always happy to help people to spend their money hahaha(???)

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이것은 01님에게 드리는 것입니다~ Comics Coldflash를 그린 후, TV Coldflash도 그리고 싶습니다...! 쌍쌍이~ (그림을 다 그린 후에 나는 은퇴했다,,,,,,,)

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시그널 2!!!!!!!

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(whisper: Stripper Barry "the Flash" Allen performing his famous cage dance before his loyal client mob boss Lenord "Captain Cold" Snart. Also Heatwave is Len's bodyguard today)
cough cough i'm done bye now

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Same energy ☆Kira~ 👌(she's not magical girl tho lol

2 4

Posing is fun wwwwww (there is no animation, they just stand there and pose 🤣🤣🤣

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CWTV Flash really loves to show off their hero's leather clad ass in some very classic sexy female superhero poses in their posters. Well done, CW, you have my applause and respect!! 👏👏👏👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣

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