

I gave in and made a Naruto side twitter to scream into the void about gay ninjas. English|한국어| Ok‼️日本語少し

フォロー数:90 フォロワー数:97

He’s probably very late right now.

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7. This is a draw this in your style but I still really like how it turned out

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I used to be really into Voltron. Comparatively the Naruto fandom is so less stressful✨💖

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Kinda messy but here you go!

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Plz send me stuff I’m so bored

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For ‘s
I bet he tells his plants all about his day✨

(Also their colors are so freaking gorgeous, every time I looked at the ref pic I was blown away at how pretty it was)

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Hearing about the Anxious GF’s day

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