

I mainly post Naval Craft builds and some history about them, maybe some other building game stuff from time to time. Prefers wholesome over NSFW

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I’m really into the Swedish navy now. The Ehrensköld class DDs were the first built by Sweden after WWI in the early 1920s since their active destroyers were obsolete. During the early cold war they received a frigate refit and patrolled the Baltic until 1974

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Finished yesterday, my first two Swedish destroyers, Mode and Mjölner. The Mode class was built simple, small and cheap to meet the needs of the rapidly expanding navy. During the early cold war the class received a refit as frigates and served until 1970.

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Uff it has been a long time, but I did a lot. I built a few ships, now I‘ll show them all, don’t worry
So here we go with the SMS Ausonia, a Italian liner which was supposed to be converted in 1918 to Germanys first CV, but sadly that was already too late...

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After I updated my phone to the newest IOS version, my in game photo button worked! Now my screenshots won‘t be as blurry anymore ^•^
Of course I immediately did some stuffz...

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Uuuhhh, lost track with it, but here we go again. The corvette Köln, build for close and quick support >~>
(Or other roles, I don’t really know yet, because I‘m a modern warfare noob qwq)
She smol, but ingame not as fast as Thüringen...

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Aaand the second, another fictional ship for my navy
The Thüring class frigate. I tried to build a DDG, but well...
I don’t know, I personally not like her as much as Weser or Köln (you will see Köln later), but I still like her, if yk what I mean...
And she‘s fast...

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Gonna stick two tweets together if it bothers no one >~>
The Swedish HMSwS Visby I built yesterday, it served in the Swedish navy from 1942 to 1986(!)
The Visby class is the second largest class of destroyers in the Swedish navy, if you looks at numbers...

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I have post over my PC now, but it makes hopefully not much difference~
So here goes the first ship I built for my navy, and she´s also the flagship, the aircraft carrier Richthofen!

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I will wait until tomorrow and show the others in detail then, because my internet will be gone soon, but here‘s a pic with all I got until now...
(I‘m still not sure how to classify Thüringen and Köln, but I guess Köln is a corvette and Thüringen a frigate, or...?)

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The new helicopter carrier for my fictional German navy, the "Weser". I think I should show the others as well, but I will do that later. So here you go!

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