

Aspiring Artist, Voice Actor, and Table Top game Developer! Current Project: Project Weave

フォロー数:239 フォロワー数:189

Hmm, shameless advertisement time.
I do artwork and commissions cuz Rent’s gotta be paid and food needs to be bought.

1 3

They are good pure bois

That and Sobble and Wooper
for the cute Sobble pics

4 61

Name’s KnightSlayer115 cuz i like to keep the real name hidden.

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Hmm, this blew up quick, time for shameless advertisement XD
I do commissions cuz i need to pay them bills.

1 3

Seems this got some traffic. Time for an advertisement:
I am an Artist by trade on Deviantart, Newgrounds, and offering commissions!!
Also a Ko-Fi tip Jar! Need to pay rent

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