

Pirate Illustrator King 💀👑 OG Otaku
THE GREAT ARTIST It is known. Started Gathering☄ at Prophecy.
❤🦑🐙🍵☕ Team Human.🚫No AI!

フォロー数:272 フォロワー数:675

It's !!!
I'm Christopher, outspoken drawer of things. Usually / Fantasy/ characters from Even Music and sports !
You can see my portfolio here:

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I only recognize Danny Glover...

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There's a grip of dudes that already oversaturate a potential fan base,
think @ this when you retweet something that has +10k likes for accounts that have more than 2x that many Followers.
Try liking 1k or less people.
They don't lack talent they lack people that know about them.

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Roughed out something.. :)

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Something I did a while back, Re-posting to celebrate AGR Book compilation. Grats !

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Greyscale process pics.
Like the desat tints experiment!

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