Ash Kohari SK6 ✕ 9mm Girls 🏳️‍🌈🔞💣さんのプロフィール画像

Ash Kohari SK6 ✕ 9mm Girls 🏳️‍🌈🔞💣さんのイラストまとめ

Comic Merc / Creator of 9mm Girls 🔞🏳️‍🌈 | Part of the artist duo SK6 w/ @sk6vice | @ChristyleInc JAZZ artist

フォロー数:1135 フォロワー数:1099

Thanks for the love toward ma boi Rogan 🙏❤️

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🍗🍖🥓🦴 Rogan, My DnD half orc , Barbarian cook that will soon be a guild butcher. He tries to adjust to society but he really is not a people person....

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💦👀A small preview of a poster for my upcoming mature comic. In short, lotsa girls, monsters and guns. They're the 9mm Girls and they are so eager to meet you all!

1 12

🎧💛Alice browsing in her favorite disk shop. We all need those nice alone time where we can dive in what we like without thinking about anything else.

2 12

🍗D&D campaign going on : Our Tiefling has a thing for raw and germinated potato as main food. My character, Rogan, half orc who is a cook, thinks it's pure blasphemy.

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