

Art posts elsewhere. ( ̄□ ̄;) Here, I yap & tweet stuff of personal interest.

フォロー数:13 フォロワー数:513

What if Daisy has long hair again with her current design? ...¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ *Throws 2 hours into an old drawing*

93 507

(Magic Kaito 1412)

4 15

Bruh, Charlie Day being Luigi for Ey~ Horrible Bosses! (ಥᴗಥ) This old thing is now relevant. XD;;

35 161

*Checks calendar*....but...but it's 2021? Ah crusty...

11 77

*when the vast majority of the fandom talks shit about this spin-off entry of ლ(ಠxಠლ)

8 44

"Repost" of my 2013 stuff; Countdown Towards the 30th Day (#Pikmin) & Novice Encumbrance (Pikmin 2)

28 106

The amount of “thirsty” and “dicks” thrown about, I know I’ve read this before (and I’ve seen worse too) but still, each time...

0 6

Why so sad Peach? D: (Just trying to get back into drawing & trying new tools c:)

25 114