

Illustrator + Activist + Sleepy.

Questioning. IntersectionalFeminist
Loose shorts. Invisibility. Anxiety. Arts. Anarchy. Degrowth. Subversion. Death.


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Hey Twitter folx
I don't earn much but life's been hectic and I'd really like to simplify it.
I'm looking for an intern.
Trying to offer as much as I can, please spread the word?

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In this perpetual hurry and scurry that we call ‘life’, is there space for those of us who want to do nothing? 

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Does ‘Merit’ Have a Caste?
Merit as a ‘neutral’ ideology justifies this discrimination which is materially practiced through examination. As Deshpande points out, it is not how ‘well’ but how much ‘better’ one has performed in the examination.

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My Body In Bed Isn’t Any Kind of Map To Pleasure - Agents of Ishq

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Merit as a ‘neutral’ ideology justifies this discrimination which is materially practiced through examination. As Deshpande points out, it is not how ‘well’ but how much ‘better’ one has performed in the examination.

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Happy Birthday Soni Sori
Have not stopped being in awe of you one bit.

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What does feminist leadership look like in a pandemic?
Feminist leadership understands that we’re only as safe — or empowered — as the most vulnerable among us.

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This is the time where we should really relearn to come together as a community. It’s times like these that really show how much our systems are not prepared for stress like this or this kinds of influx.
Comic by Sam Wallman
Via .mirror

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