

I love anime, manga & games :D
Especially J-RPGs! Square Enix 💕

TRIGGER has my heart 🤍🩷💙

Shaman King & Inuyasha 💕


NSFW ➡️ @Kona7th


フォロー数:735 フォロワー数:1257

They are so cool 😍 it's such a fresh idea to involve the legendaries in such a way ☺️ it should be able to also use them in batlle right? Nit just traversing

0 4

And here he is. The no. 1 cult leader \o/ X 😂

0 21

Very princely of Lyserg ☺️💖

And for the valentines/white day event next year I hope Hao will appear in the school and cause mayhem for them 💖🔥😏 no I just want to see them have a mental meltdown because of his presence 🤣

0 23

Can someone explain to me how the help a friend system works in Funkuro? I have set characters to help friends and have friends that have set characters but how can I request their help? I'm struggling with some hard quests and could use the help if that is even possible

0 6

If I don't get this Yoh even tho we have 10 daily free pulls then I don't know anymore. Hopefully he will come home this evening 🙏🏼

0 17

Ewww I judge them all so bad

0 7

My throat is tightening watching this especially with the Jiraiya part in the video q.q Naruto was such a cute little beb how dare they be mean to him 💔 https://t.co/nihnepLrPM

0 5

*pretends that I'm not interested in the slightest of rolling for him* 😌💦

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