

Knight girl supremacist. Hierophant arcana. Yotsubro. Haruhiist. Revenant. Proud romcom trash.

80% weeb shit, 20% "political commentary", 247% Seibah content.

フォロー数:1156 フォロワー数:1660

Fatgami, what are you doing here?

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yo creo que sí. Y bonito collar 😎👌

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"yeah, wth, I saw that you know"

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So good seeing one of my best friends back on twitter

1 11

para nada, inspira confianza exagerada

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✨ Valentine

This year you're mine Rockycrusher123! ❤️
And you, whom will be yours?

➡️ https://t.co/NIlxVbOfjb

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nada nada. Y sí, con muchas ganas de la peli; yo estaré asín, animando a mi Yotsuba hasta el final

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