

Knight girl supremacist. Hierophant arcana. Yotsubro. Haruhiist. Revenant. Proud romcom trash.

80% weeb shit, 20% "political commentary", 247% Seibah content.

フォロー数:1156 フォロワー数:1660

bullshit, you're into sneiks

0 1

how is it going? have a Rorona christmas fanart while I still have the padoru avi

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Entiendo tu punto pero NNNNNAAAAH. En manga y anime, el wincesto es bien. https://t.co/E66y83eBUo

0 8

I...I never.,, WHAT

You're so right, what the fuck

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Going to cut my hair a little bit soon😔 it'll still be long, but no more long ponytail for a while, only a small one.

0 14

la que supuestamente es poco atractiva / la que tiene club de fans

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