

Knight girl supremacist. Hierophant arcana. Yotsubro. Haruhiist. Revenant. Proud romcom trash.

80% weeb shit, 20% "political commentary", 247% Seibah content.

フォロー数:1141 フォロワー数:1656

Hablar de razas de perros es extrema derecha

Pues nada https://t.co/PAA0MqI53D

0 9

literally turning brown once again 😭

0 3

sería el profe que se pasaría todo el día así

0 2

It's the 31st in Japan, which means Miku's 15th bday. I first listened to her waay back, in 2008,and shortly after I got into vocaloid bigly.

My vocaloid arc may be in the past, but it's still a beacon of warmth in my heart, that I sometimes revisit by listening to her classics.

5 34

I fear Pyra has overtaken Saber as my most RTd character in fanarts

My King is displeased 😔

1 25