

ARPGs, Granblue Fantasy, & TCGs | Creating content for Gundam Card Game, Union Arena, and other TCGs |
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Obvious super mixed feelings with everything else going on, but beta sign ups for D4 are now live. Also, listed as coming to consoles as well


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All these sweet dragons getting posted for FAB and all I can think about is them 🥺

What I would give to have another Mike Elliott game

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Card back rewards for Path 1.0

-Clear an adventure
-For defeating Gangplank
-For defeating Viktor

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-Obedient Drakehound

"Drakehounds are a delight, aren't they? So eager to please. So malleable. If only my enemies held the same qualities."
- Thorn of the Rose

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Beat Viktor with 3 different champions in Path 1.0 and get the Adventuring! emote.

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"The demon Tybaulk had infested the minds of countless victims over the centuries. Slowly, inexorably, he would lead them to the fire, and watch his flames feast on scorched flesh. But in young Annie --

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Annie Full Art - Legends of Runeterra

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Full Art 🧵and Flavor Text!

-Manasoul Student
"First time I met Daani must've been a couple years ago. Lovely lad. Lovely family, too. Then, on my last trip, I stopped by his village and found poor Daani sat in the square, alone. Said he was waiting for his family to come home--

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-Celestial Trifecta

"The stars, they are foretelling great potential. Something is coming. What shape will they take? It is not for me to know! What do you think, Kulun?"
- Moondreamer

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-Baccai Witherclaw

"Their sanity withered away like dunes in the wind--and in its place, a seed of anger flourished into a fury no desert waters could quench."

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