

-OSDD-1b System- I'm multifandom so don't expect the same fandom -

DNF NSFW/Com/proship
pfp; @whathehecktim


フォロー数:193 フォロワー数:3104


If ur gonna use my art in any form
Pls credit <3

Also sum other stuff

2 29

I can never get pissed off happy fella out of my head

Its so terrifying and id be crying too if he don pissed off bruh

18 210

Idk silly art train but i struggle to find good stuff https://t.co/YijLxvZdzt

17 306

Did I ever tell you guys how much I favorite Dexter (human/doll) and how much of a comfort character he is to me and how silly yet disturbing he is (FOR HOW FUCKING INSANE HE IS AND I LOVE IT) and d how much he and his VA bring me sm joy and li

15 230

Hi gays im bavk and we can all agree im the most ratmeat shipper outta all the ratmeat shippers and nobody can stop me

Look at this beautiful meme i made

45 419

New ratmeat comic just dropped lol
They are comforting to draw AGBDNENEE 💗💞💕

119 1476