

This is a bbs only for Krayers and Fanxingers. Weibo: KrayLove

フォロー数:23 フォロワー数:2285

Dell China official weibo updated about 3P

9 3

[FANART]Happy Children's Day, Guys. Cr.翻滚叭煎蛋

25 12

160218 Old Nine Gate weino updated 3p with

11 2

151015 repost Guojingming: yep im the lord.

6 3

[Fanart][翻滚叭煎蛋] To me, you guys are the cure.

41 12

[Fanart] Cr.coral-扣肉来一口么兴爷

59 7

150609 Go Fighting weibo: 5 Days countdown. 14Jun15 21:10 CST

16 7

[Fanart] 150202 Airport Style |CR:CUREmao

17 9