

Wrestling fan/ Gamer/ KOF fan/ Angel KOF super fan
/fan of The superstar @TrinaMichaelsX/対魔忍/井河/ さくら

フォロー数:570 フォロワー数:1104

Shinohara Mari: grappler & counter character, she can punch with good streng.
But most important she have counter moves that can apply from all angle atacks

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Maika Kimimura; slow but strong, guard breaker character. Massive damage.

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Akiyama Rinko; basically, Vergil with boobs. The fastest characyof the roster, she can do speed atacks that Charger above the full screen, and can summon projectiles from diferent angle with portals.

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Rin Uehara: mid range fighters, she atacks with her twin swords and her eléctric whip from her collar.
She can move fast with the lighting power and she can trown some lighting long range atacks

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A mí diosa Rin Uehara

Debo admitir que este pool estaría más dividido, el oficial de enero lo ganó mami Rin por mucho, mejor dicho lo arrasó

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