

KroyVR does PCVR | [email protected] | |

フォロー数:1468 フォロワー数:2462

You deviant, no one could possible want to play ALL of these games. There's at least five genres of VR here.

And that is an absolutely awesome bundle. Good spot.

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This was another of his, and it's a cover of story I'm going to have to write for him now.

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I told my son about MidJourney. I told him you could type in anything, ANYTHING and it would paint it.

"A toilet overflowing with rainbow poo".

He's eight.

's response next to the alternative word that my son chose because "poo" is banned.

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Anyone on Viveport Infinity, check your email:

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I'm checking my email notifications - some of those games were added in March, and it seems that the April newsletter is the first one of it's kind. Checking back January had some new entries, and a few more in Feb too. Definitely growing and existing games are being updated too

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Original emotes to switch your set for the season, or fill up the new slots Twitch has thrown at us, check the awesome , open for commission

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