

TO for Kingston community and TO/lead organizer for the OSS tournaments.
Action Packed Comics employee/FFTCG Shop TO
small PNGVtuber

フォロー数:355 フォロワー数:122

Ok time to see who's top 4 current fav games they are playing still.
Casual or otherwise ^^
Here's mine in no particular order

Final Fantasy Wotv: BE
Megaman X Dive

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A piece I commissioned to do so I have something to remember one of my best friends since her health (though stable atm) is going downhill so I had this made of my character and hers from XIV on an adventure ^^

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I got a comm back today ^^ looks great!! thanks

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Thanks again for another awesome piece!!
Far left:
Middle left:
Middle right:
And me at the far right
Looks great! :3

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I may be aroace though I can still feel lonely in terms of lack of a companion/partner to spend time with etc.
True I have close friends and close friends online that I wish I could spend more time with.
Just there are days I get the lonely feeling in this regard.
k rant done XD

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wanted to introduce the new OSS OC ^^ haven't picked a name out yet, might do a poll soon lol

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Love his ability, I now have a 2nd summon deck idea for him lol

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