

Fledgling JRPG guy | Demisexual, I think? Labels suck. | Bereut nichts | Profile Pic/header by @JumJamz

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Just realized that I can make this shirt in the new Animal Crossing °o°

0 10

Been a while since I completed a game! :D

0 6

I will use this image to start future tinder conversations

0 3

I Can Be Your Angle Or Yuor Devil

5 20

Therapist: Craditops isn't real, it can't hurt you.

0 7

Nachdem ich mir alle neuen Shinies angeguckt hab, werd ich wohl die hier züchten/chainen:

0 4

Examples(in the same order):

0 3

Galarian Stunfisk needs to be the basis for this guy's nemesis.
(art by )

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