

Game Dev (Not at Blizzard!)

Role-Player and Troll Fanatic.
Server: Argent Dawn(EU) / Epsi.
All opinions are my own.

フォロー数:452 フォロワー数:367

So now Twitter is doing selfies that embody our favorite covenant, eh? Sure, this probably hits the mark decently.

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Trollsss! <3

Commissions I've had done by ArtofCarmen and HannelArt

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Everything except the fact they are both Gryphons. As I've already said, they share skeleton and animations, but the Alabaster Gryphon is a new Model. You do realise that it isn't just a higher resolution stone texture they've applied and suddenly the model itself looks smoother?

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Same skeletons, yes. Same animations, yes. But the models ARE actually different.

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