

Live and let tea. Shout out to my bed & naps. Kinda Funny Historian. SimplySassyVids & PokeRAMBLE.com Podcast guy. #Arsenal #Tea #Anime #Gaming #YakultSwallows

フォロー数:1574 フォロワー数:1887

New sync pairs coming to

-Marnie (Champion) & Moltres (Galarian Form)
-Hop (Champion) & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
-Bede (Champion) & Articuno (Galarian Form)
-Ball Guy & Amoonguss

Gloria & Thwackey will be the new trainer lodge pair.
Torchic & Lorelei Grid expan.

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The artwork from the Granblue Fantasy x One Piece collab is phenomenal

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New sync pairs coming to
-Sygna Suit May & Blaziken (Mega)
-Sygna Suit Brendan & Latios (Mega)
-Looker & Croagunk
-Courtney & Camerupt

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New sync pairs coming to
-N (Summer 2022) & Zoroark
-Hilda (Summer 2022) & Shiny Grapploct
-Sygna Suit Korrina & Marshadow
-Gloria (Dojo Uniform) & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)

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New Sync Pairs coming to
-May (Anniversary 2022) & Latias
-Raihan (Anniversary 2022) & Flygon
-Skyla (Anniversary 2022) & Tornadus

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New sync pairs coming to
-Sygna Suit Lusamine & Necrozma Dusk Mane
-Leon (Holiday 2021) & Ice Rider Calyrex
-Nessa (Holiday 2021) & Eiscue
-Elesa (Classic) & Emolga

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Sygna Suit Leon (and his EX outfit) & Eternatus

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Z move poses in general just fit in with Jojo lol

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