

Nvm I'm too addicted to this fucking website lmaoooo he/him

フォロー数:2644 フォロワー数:262

Bouta start commenting "prompts?" In the comments of random drawings on twitter

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What if it was all a dream

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As much as it pains me she'd have to go too

0 4

Você moraria agui

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?????? Silly and murderous ig???? https://t.co/SVrJpiTdjk

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This is what it feels like to turn off your pc by holding down the power button

2 18

Early 2000s latino grandma comfort characters for some ungodly reason:

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Sometimes I forget that old paintings weren't originally supposed to look sepia like that, like what do you MEAN this is what the mona lisa is actually supposed to look like

2 7

I love gloomy bear so much he's so scrunkly

4 30

Thinking about the official Brazilian Megaman comics

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