

🇵🇹 Lv. 28 ║ 🔍 YouTuber & Theorist║🧠 #Anipoke Enthusiast - AG & HZ Fan™

フォロー数:397 フォロワー数:2670

Rock-Paper-Scissors!? Is that it, Kleavor?

167 1261


39 413

there's this moment in Movie 8 which I'll always appreciate because it shows a side of Ash that we all know & love, but it's specially here when the situation is extremely dire. His last words to Pikachu are very impactful in the dub thx to Veronica.

151 730

I wonder which Pokémon would get Mega Evos in the BDSP arc?🤔

27 342

Several Pokédex entries state on how Vulpix are born with 1 white tail that w/ time splits into 6. JN067 did show that detail to an extent.

It reminded me of Enta's from the BF manga and how the entry inspired the creation of the Alolan one. And then there's Samson's.😅

4 62

13 years ago - May 15th 2008 - the Wallace Cup in Valor Lakefront would finally conclude with the outstanding performances of these 2 amazing coordinators.

A clash of ages for sure, as May & Dawn gave everything they had for the Aqua Ribbon! A true passing of the torch.

20 70

Episode JN066: Goh released his White Flower Floette!


Me: This is basically AZ's story in reverse! Also, a Kanto companion releasing a middle stage Fairy Type to help Nature? That's Misty Togetic!

She met a ORANGE Florges!

14 69

Still thinking on how Iris exactly became Unova's Champion!

Did she actually won the Vertress Conference and took down the Elite 4 and Alder like in the manga? Or was she offered the job like Alder was in the games?

Alder's title was also very unorthodox like Ash's. 🤔#anipoke

6 64

even for the Sinnoh Grand Festival and the early eyecatches (2/2)

1 12

That's the reason why Green Oak was given Venusaur because he's never seen with one in the any sorts of media, besides the ETOP manga where his counterpart - Gary Oak - had one!

Also, those Dragonite statues to foreshadow Lance's champion reign in the Indigo Plateau. ---->

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