Certified Dumbass™ ▪️ 🍓🌂👓 ▪️ 27💍 ▪️🗻 ▪️🍉さんのプロフィール画像

Certified Dumbass™ ▪️ 🍓🌂👓 ▪️ 27💍 ▪️🗻 ▪️🍉さんのイラストまとめ

She/they▪️ chaos posting ▪️
cats are great 😸 ▪️ MyMelo fan 🎀 ▪️ polyglot ▪️ chronic pain▪️ ex ⛸️ ▪️ 🚫 fakes

フォロー数:1922 フォロワー数:913

I know that this girl was about 5 seconds in but I always loved her character design.

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"Zura ja nai, Katsura da"

Did not expect that one to be used as actual plot. 😅 https://t.co/wPDgUvTlyo

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Show that exceeded my expectations
Show that met my expectations
Show that failed my expectations
Show I have high expectations for

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